

Lonely Planet
Offers travel advice, detailed maps, travel news, popular message boards and health information. Also lists information and updates regarding guidebooks.

Expert Travel Tips, Stories & Timely Travel News | SmarterTravel
SmarterTravel provides independent expert advice and unbiased reviews for the best travel deals, destinations, and money-saving travel tips that help feed your passion for seeing the world.

Aardvark Travel Directory – Aardvark Travel Search Engine and Forum
A searchable directory of travel sites around the world.
Information about places around the globe. Discussion boards, travel guides and travelers toolkit.

Distinctive Travels
The social element of guided travel is just one of the greatest parts! Our knowledge of unique locations and places of your interests has never been closer.

Earth Travel Reviews - A world of vacation travel reviews worth reading.
Definitive selection of vacation travel reviews. Get the real story on hotels, inns, resorts, spas, tours, and attractions.